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Be a Runner or Walker!
Sign up on Pledgestar to join the effort and to start getting sponsors! Click below to get started! 


We need Volunteers!
To learn more about our volunteer needs and to sign up to be a volunteer on March 11th, please email

Support us through Giving!
 We thank you for your generous giving towards our fundraising efforts! To donate to the Ram Run 6 please click below. Thank you and God bless!

RAM RUN 6 and Family Carnival

We are excited to kick-off the CCS Rams Run 6 and Carnival Fundraiser! This year we will be partnering up with all ministries of Bay Area Chinese Bible Church to raise the remaining funds needed for a new gymnasium floor. The gym floor is 12 years old and is due for replacement soon. The lines are fading or have been rubbed off and parts of the floor are sinking or have been damaged. So far we have raised $143,000 and need a total of $200,000 for this project! We are almost there! 

For CCS, installing a new gym floor will allow our school to safely continue to fulfill our school mission through our athletics and physical education programs. CCS will also be able to put the new school logo and name on the floor! For BACBC, a new gym floor will also allow the church to safely continue their youth and adult programs, services, fellowships, and much more.

For this year’s fundraiser we are asking all BACBC, CCS, and TTP families to work together in collecting sponsors from now until March 11th.

The Ram Run will be held on Saturday, March 11th from 9:00 to 12:00pm. Participants will run or walk their laps on campus around our turf field.  After the run from 12:00 to 3:30pm we will celebrate our hard work by having a family carnival.

Our goal is to raise $75,000 starting today through May 11th.  With everyone’s support and participation, this can be an achievable goal! Let's work together!


Here is how YOU can support:

  • Be a runner/walker- The goal is simple: Run or walk as many laps as you can on March 11th. Current students, parents, BACBC attendees, alumni, and friends of our ministries can participate! If you run or walk, we ask that you gather as many pledges as possible from friends, family, neighbors, work, etc. Pledges can be gathered as a flat donation or on a per lap/mile basis. 

  • Volunteer at the event- We need lap counters, water station volunteers, carnival booth volunteers, set up and break down teams, and more! Please contact Lisa Lovitt if you are interested at

  • Donate or pledge money- If you are unable to attend or participate in the event please sponsor one of our runners or collect flat donations from friends and family for our cause.

  • Donate prizes- if you have any slightly used or unused toys or knick knacks that you think will be great for prizes at our carnival please donate.  Please drop off in a box or bag at the CCS school office for Lisa Lovitt. Thank you! 


When collecting sponsorship, sponsors have two options sponsoring participants.

  1. Flat donation which should be collected right away or

  2.  Per Lap Donation which will be collected after the Ram Run. For per lap donations, official letters will be given to each participant with the number of laps indicated and money owed. Participants will be responsible for collecting the donations after the Ram Run.

  3. All sponsorships may be paid by check, cash or online on using pledgestar. Sponsorship checks should be made payable to Coastline Christian School and the runner’s name can be written on the memo line of the check. When paying online via PayPal please make sure sponsors fill out the runner’s name on the indicated line to be sure proper credit is given.  All sponsorships will be tax deductible.


After you are done collecting sponsors, please turn in your form and envelope with flat donations to the CCS office.  For additional sponsorship forms and envelopes please pick up at the school office.  It will be helpful if parents can help check the packets the night before you turn it in to make sure it is complete.  Incomplete packets cannot be processed and will be returned to the student. For pledgestar, the system will generate letters to collect per lap sponsorship after the event on March 11th, and for flat donations donors can mail payment in or submit online via pledgestar by March 11th.


We hope that everyone at Coastline Christian Schools, BACBC, and TTP will participate to help raise funds for a new turf athletic field and that parents will encourage their kids to do their best.  If you decide not to participate in the Ram Run, you are more than welcome to come join us on March 11th and support your child(ren).  If you are available to help on March 11th with the run and/or with the family carnival after the run, please contact Lisa Lovitt at  We need all the help and support we can get to make Ram Run 6 and Carnival a great event for everyone to enjoy!


Thank you for supporting the CCS/BACBC/TTP RAM RUN 6!


CCS Administration


Ram Run 6 Participant Incentive Program


Ultimate Grand Prize

Most Money Brought In by Participant

~$300 gift card


Raffle Grand Prize

Chosen from Raffle

For every $10 donated each runner will have one raffle ticket entered into the raffle drawing for the Raffle Grand Prize!

-$100 gift card


Grand Prizes

Most Laps run/walk- K-5th student

-$100 gift card

Most Laps run/walk- 6-8th student

-$100 gift card

Most Laps run/walk- Adult Male

-$100 gift card

Most laps run/walk- Adult Female

-$100 Gift Card

CCS Class Incentive Prizes

100% Class Participation in Ram Run (pledges)

1 day of Dress Down and iTea drinks.

Most Money Brought in by a class K-5

1 week of Dress Down, Pizza, and iTea drinks

Most Money Brought in by a class- 6-8

1 week of Dress Down, Pizza, and iTea drinks

Raise 75,000 or More

1 Week of Dress Down and pizza/ice cream party for the whole school.

Ram Run 6 Rallies!

Join our next Ram Run 5 Rally on

Friday, March 3rd at 2:50 PM!


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