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Meet Lucia Leung.

She teaches Mandarin.

Hear why she recommends CCS.

What classes and grade levels do you teach at Coastline Christian Schools?

Kindergarten mandarin, 3rd grade mandarin, Middle School Mandarin (7th /8th M1B) , MS PE

What do you love most about Coastline Christian Schools?

We care for each other like a family !

What is one word that best describes the school?  Tell why you chose that word.

FAMILY.  Here at CCS, we care for each other and treat each other like a giant family.

Why do you like teaching at Coastline Christian Schools?

I get to share about my personal life stories with the students and to see how my students build a closer relationship with God. I also love my colleagues because we share each other's burdens and care for and support each other.

What sets CCS students apart from students in other schools?

They get to share about God with others freely inside and outside of school.

What do you want your students to gain from having known you?

To know what an awesome God He is through my personal testimonies. The students will truly know God is living and always walks with us in all circumstances. I want them to gain faith in God and become a Christian.

What is a unique experience, talent, or interest that you bring to your classroom to help shape the learning experience of your students?

I shared how I first learned my English during high school and how I picked up my Cantonese at the older age. To compare that, I encouraged my students that they can learn Mandarin from me, too! In my PE class, I shared about my acute failure of kidney/liver experience to encourage my students to exercise regularly and take their health seriously.

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