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Meet Christopher Lee.

He teaches Algebra I and serves as our Athletic Director.  He's also an alumni of CCS.

Hear why he recommends CCS.

What classes and grade levels do you teach at Coastline Christian Schools?

I currently teach General Math, Geometry,  and Physical Education.  I also serve as the Middle School Athletic Director.

What do you love most about Coastline Christian Schools?

One of the things I love most about Chinese Christian Schools is the family community between everyone.  Students not only form friendships with their classmates and teachers, but also with students and teachers not in their grade level.  There is a sense of family in every aspect of the school.

What is one word that best describes the school?  Tell why you chose that word.

The first word that comes to mind is committed.  For starters, this school is committed to Jesus Christ and His Word.  The staff constantly displays the love of Christ to everyone.  The teachers are committed to serving their students.  They stay late, come early, and work in between.  Students are committed to working hard and learning.  

Why do you like teaching at Coastline Christian Schools?

I enjoy teaching at CCS because of the supportive environment.  The administration and other teachers always find ways to encourage each other and are always seeking ways to improve.

What sets CCS students apart from students in other schools?

CCS students are taught to be respectful.  Students say good morning to teachers as they pass by and stand when an adult enters the classroom.

What do you want your students to gain from having known you?

It is my hope that all the students, including those who do not have me directly as a teacher, would know the importance of being faithful in all that we do.  Whether we are playing, teaching, learning, taking or grading tests, these are all ways in which we serve the Lord and should therefore put forth our best effort.

What is a unique experience, talent, or interest that you bring to your classroom to help shape the learning experience of your students?

Having attended CCS as a student, I’ve been in their shoes.  I am able to relate to them in a different way.  I know the impact my teachers had on me.  It is such a joy to be able to return to CCS and share my teachers' investments with my own students.

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